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VIB sale favorites part 2! Lets talk skin care! You are never too young to start using good skin care. You don’t have to have a crazy routine, but no matter the type of skin, you should absolutely have some sort of routine. I hear a ton of people say “I have nice skin, I don’t need a skin care routine.” well…you may have good skin, but that is the absolute reason you should WANT to have a routine! If you have good skin, you want to keep that good skin.
I have personally been blessed with good skin. I never really struggled with acne, but I am seeing signs of aging as I have reached my 30’s. I have more skin care in my house than a salon. This is mostly due to my Boxycharm subscription…which no worries, blog posts on that will be coming soon. I get a TON of skin care from that subscription box, a ton of high end, very expensive stuff so I highly suggest signing up…anywho… I have compiled a small list, of items I feel have worked to continue my skin to be clear, supple and well taken care of from all price ranges. Here we go! oh, and PS…I am by no means a skin care expert. Im not trained in skin care, Im no esthetician, but this is just what has worked for me!
Skin Care Favorites

So after a night where you had the full shabam on your face, have you ever washed your face only to still have eyeliner and mascara around your eyes making you look like you crawled out of a gutter to do the walk of shame? Just me? anway…I recently got introduced to makeup remover balm cleanser. Enter stage left GREEN CLEAN by FARMACY BEAUTY. This stuff literally melts off your makeup before you cleanse and it also smells like a green slushie. Its a great way to really clean your face fully.
Next step, actually washing your face. In the am, I love to use the ORIGINS GINZING line. This line smells so fresh and clean with a very subtle orange smell. It has fine scubby grit in it to exfoliate the skin gently. Definitely more fine than other scrubs I’ve used before which is better for the skin. The best part about the products in this line…they are made with coffee extract! this ingredient will wake your skin up and have you glowing and ready for the day. Included in this line, are some other favorite products of mine, the gel moisturizer and the refreshing brightening eye cream! All infused with that lovely coffee extract!
After using the face wash, my next step in the routine is my toner. My favorite is the ORIGINS CLEAN SLATE Toner. I use a cotton pad and use this to balance out the oils of my face. This is a great step if you have a pesky breakout.
Once or twice a week, I use my next favorite product. The GLAMGLOW GRAVITY MUD FIRMING TREATMENT. This is the coolest mask I have ever used. Its a peeling mask, that reduces the lines and wrinkles that come with aging. Guess what…this actually works! I notice such a difference in the firmness of my face when I use this consistently. Its pricey, but its worth every penny. It comes with its own little brush, which you use to slather on the face. You let it dry, and…drum roll…you peel it off! So satisfying! If you get the original, you get a really cool Tin Man look, because its like a metallic silver! They also frequently come out with special additions like the “glitter” version! It actually has glitter and stars in the mask! But don’t worry, the glitter stays put and the formula still works the same as the original.
On to the next steps…Serum. Serums are things you can do without, but I don’t feel like my routine is complete without it. It is a concentrated product line that really helps to fight those signs of aging. My favorites recently are the GLOW RECIPE PINEAPPLE C BRIGHTENING serum and the GLAMGLOW SUPERSERUM 6-ACID REFINING TREATMENT. The Glamglow is made with charcoal, which helps to extract impurities. I feel much cleaner when I use this one at night!
Moisturizer…I love anything in the am that smells like fresh fruit. As mentioned above, the Ginzing gel moisturizer is my favorite, along side of the GLOW RECIPE BANANA SOUFFLE MOISTURE CREAM and the TATCHA WATER CREAM. All make your skin feel amazing, soft and smooth.
Eye creams…As mentioned above, my A.M. go to is the Origins Ginzing, and at night I use the ORIGINS PLANTSCRIPT POWER EYE CREAM. A nice addition in eye cream that I have discovered, was the TATCHA PEARL…what is this you ask? well I will tell you! Tatcha is a brand that I just want everything they make…even if my bank account screams at me. So when they came out with “The Pearl” and I read brightening and anti-aging…I was sold. it is an eye cream that looks like it a pot of concealer. now, let me be clear when I say, it does not provide “coverage.” This is a product that I’ve used alone and with makeup. It visibly brightens the under eye, and provides anti-aging treatment in the process!
Last…is totally optional, and extremely boujee…but again, Boxycharm hooked it up. Hooked me up with some intriguing facial tools. If you didn’t know, tools that provide vibration or stimulation to the skin will assist with aging. Here are some of the tools that I Love using. First is the NURSE JAMIE UPLIFT. Check out the video below, it also feels pretty relaxing!
Also, you will want to get yourself a STONE FACIAL ROLLER. Either Jade, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, or other stones. Using one of these tools on your face helps with draining excess fluids, assists with reducing puffiness, and helps skin care to absorb into the skin.
Lastly, when I’m cleansing, I frequently use my PMD FACIAL CLEANSING DEVICE. This also stimulates the skin to assist with aging as well as deep cleaning the skin with gentle vibration!
Well there you have it! The List of my Favorite skin care items I’ve used that are all available for the VIB Beauty insider sale! Make sure to let me know below what you snag and what you think of the items if you try them! ALL items are direct linked below!
- Farmacy Beauty Green Clean Cleansing balm
- Origins Ginzing facial cleanser scrub
- Origins Ginzing Gel Moisturizer
- Origins Ginzing Brightening Eye Cream
- Glamglow Gravity Mud Firming Treatment Original and Glitter
- Glamglow Super serum
- Origins Clean Slate Zero Oil Toner
- Origins Plantscript Anti-aging Power Eyecream
- Tatcha The Watercream
- Tatcha The Pearl
- Glow Recipe Banana Souffle Moisturizer
- Glow Recipe Pineapple C-Brightening serum
- PMD Cleansing tool
- Nurse Jamie Uplift facial roller
- Jade Roller